It’s like Death Stranding, but real

Updated: March 1, 2024, 10:30 a.m. (ET): The courier who inspired Hideo Kojima’s 2019 action game/delivery man sim death stranding Popular again, a whole new group of people are learning about this fascinating Japanese work.

The Bokka, or “ladder cargo” porter, is essentially the real-life version of Sam Porter Bridgers, from death strandingCarrying huge loads of cargo, they climbed mountain passes and narrow valleys that were inaccessible to vehicles.Their jobs are Going viral on Twitter again Thanks to a user named Wrath of Gnon who said Senior porter “Routinely [test] Fitter and fitter than elite athletes. ” This is so crazy.

It’s no surprise, then, that the situation is heating up again, especially now that Hideo Kojima has announced Death Stranding 2: On the Beach It will launch on PlayStation 5 in 2025.The first trailer is Revealed at The Game Awads 2022 Awards,as well as January 2024 State of Play live broadcast, giving us a closer look at what we can expect from the Kojima game. There are baby octopuses and a guy who shoots lightning from his guitar to fight samurai.

The original story, originally published on December 4, 2019, follows:

In Japan or any remote mountainous area, there are porters who transport supplies and food to areas that cannot be reached by vehicles.The Japanese word for this word is they themselves (歩合) or literally means “step goods”.

this Asahi Shimbun Reports from September 2018 identified a 25-year-old porter named Masato Hagiwara. He weighed 139 pounds but carried fresh food and canned drinks through the high-altitude Ozegahara Everglades National Park.

His stack of books is six and a half feet long and weighs 220 pounds.

according to Asahi ShimbunIt’s important that movers like Hagiwara don’t overdo it. Lifting heavy objects requires a lot of concentration and physical strength, but it also requires many breaks, especially before your shoulders start to go numb.

In that respect, these real-life haulers differ from Sam Bridges, who seems to have nothing more than a load to balance, rather than numb shoulders. But porters like Hagiwara don’t have to deal with scary ghosts or take care of pod babies. Thank God!

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