Trudeau wants to make the internet ‘the most censored in the world’

open media describe yourself as “Community-driven organization dedicated to keeping the internet open, affordable and surveillance-free.”

In 2021, they offer an ominous view of the future of internet censorship in Canada, as our ruling commits liberal government:

“The Liberals unveil a cynical plan to make Canada’s internet the most censorship and surveillance In the democratic world. “

“It turns them into reporting agents CSIS and Royal Canadian Mounted Police— It puts the practical needs of victims of hate speech and online harmful content last. ”

Extrapolated sources tell us that PM-driven internet censorship agenda justin trudeau The Liberal Party has nothing to do with preventing hate speech, it has to do with our prime minister’s number one obsession:

Total and absolute control over Canadian society. The legislation described will:

require online platforms to identify, remove and report to law enforcement Content that may fall into five categories of speech that are already illegal:

  • pornography involving children;
  • sharing sexual images without consent;
  • hate speech;
  • incites violence against person or property;
  • incite terrorism.

On this basis, we Insert a breakdown about PM justin trudeau A roster of quasi-communist governments. Publish the list of social welfare undertakings, liberal Strategists implicitly set a goal that they hope will be misunderstood by the public.

Of course, no sane citizen wants to promote abuse of our youth on the Internet. Upvoted for this, as well as for promoting violence, etc.

The problem comes with the ambiguity of repression “Hate Speech.” As it stands, the promotion of hate speech is covered by Canadian criminal law:

Public incitement to hatred:

  • 319(1) It is an offense for any person to incite hatred against any identifiable group by expression in any public place where such incitement is likely to result in a breach of the peace

How is hate speech defined according to the government’s internet standards?

According to Open Media reports, “The government insists that all they want to do is replicate our existing norms and restrictions on free speech offline in Canada.”

“Far from simply replicating our norms about offline speech, this proposal would create an unprecedented system of online surveillance ordinary people in Canada, and regulates the removal of perfectly legal Lecture online. ”

It’s a harsh prosecution — one that appears to bypass existing laws against hate speech and turn internet censorship into a witch hunt against citizens who violate the government’s subjective opinion of what constitutes hate speech.

The end game is pretty harsh on direction: Hate speech is dictated by governments and the teams of censors they employ. In this regard, Canadian correspondence has become a replica of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s preferred form of governance: communism.

The whole project exudes Orwellian control. Free speech falls under the neo-fascist approach of the Trudeau government. Those who violate the government’s subjective agenda turn into targeted dissidents.

“The system will be unprecedented Law Enforcement Monitoring System Legal Speech in Canada.Platforms will be required to report flagged content they remove directly to law enforcement law enforcement, including Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Office of Strategic Intelligence.

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed when he took over Canadian society in late 2015, Canada’s “sunshine path” ends here.

system granted Digital Specialist Unprecedented powers with minimal restrictions on their use, including:

“The right to a hearing Secretly delete content. “

let’s hear KGBtime in Canada.A wonderful world where we will experience communist repression through the government “Protect society as a whole.”

An non-elected liberal Government bureaucrats will be charged with overseeing policy for Canada’s internet. Breach will be as the government says it will be. Punitive damages await those who violate the mandate.

All of this sounds very much like communist internet censorship China:

exist December2015, President of China Xi Jinping Announce “The Internet in China will be a world of its own, Its content is closely monitored and managed by the Communist Party. ”

Is this the bottom line of the Liberal Party’s proposal to suppress free speech on the Internet? Isn’t PM real? justin trudeau Publicly express support for Chinese-style communism?

“Giving regulators broad powers to order websites to block sites that host both legal and illegal speech is a disproportionate and dangerous remedy that has previously been limited to autocratic country like Russia and China, Not in a democracy. “

Such structures may not exist in so-called “democracies”.but it may exist in a Western democracy that is systematizing transitional to a communist country.

Is this the reality of Justin Trudeau’s “coreless identity” Canada? Gradually, the core institutions of our country are being systematically transferred to the nascent communist entity.

The government matters most, followed by the Liberal buy-in of Canada’s mainstream media. To reclaim the revenue and market share lost to the rise of social media – the Canadian internet is about to fall under neo-communist control.

Canadian academia, seduced by anti-Canadians for decades Marxist Propaganda, which fell under the communist spell decades ago.along with Coronavirus Pandemic – another from China Phenomena, healthcare in our country has transitioned to a new communism.Trudeau’s Euthanasia Policy demonstrates this concept.

We bear witness to the temptations of our society.That is, people who strive to surpass free media promotional activity.

“In the years before Xi became president in 2012, the Internet had begun to provide the Chinese people with unprecedented levels of transparency and The power to communicate. Popular bloggers, some of whom advocate bold social and political reform, order tens of millions followers. “

In the years before Justin Trudeau became prime minister, Canadians enjoyed fair and reasonable autonomy over their internet communications.

In 2015, justin trudeau Become Prime Minister, thereby beginning Canada’s slide from freedom and democracy to a neo-communist nation-state.

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