Good news, nerds, Helldivers 2’s developers have taken a deep dive into weapon balancing after making some key nerfs – and there’s even some numbers

If you’re a huge nerd, the developers of Helldivers 2 have done their best to reassure you about the nerfs included in the game’s latest patch. how? Well, by giving spreadsheet fans some information on the studio’s current approach to balancing weapons – and the exact numbers for the latest round of gun tweaks.

So, yes, you can stop asking Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt why the game doesn’t give you 9 million different stats to help you decide exactly which shotgun you want to choose between the two shotguns – just Like Mr. Burns smearing ketchup on the inside of a Simpsons episode – slightly better. Congratulations, nerds.

If you’re getting too smug, you’ll want to head over to the official Helldivers 2 Discord server, where designer Alex K has tried to outline the studio’s current approach to weapon balancing and what that entails. Aim to achieve. “Our goal is to give you a wide selection of weapons, each gun has its purpose and no one is better than another,” the developers outline.

“Of course, you will have your favorites, but that should come from your personal preference rather than from generally accepted knowledge of which gun is the strongest,” they continued. “Generally speaking, we base this on a project-by-project basis. quirks to balance it out, so if a weapon is very effective at its purpose, it should have significant drawbacks to balance out its power.”

Do you want examples? Alex explains: “The AC-8 autocannon is a great example of a balanced weapon: it hits hard and has a very long range, but requires you to carry an ammo backpack or have a friend to assist you. The GL-21 grenade launcher is Opposite example. It’s a good general purpose weapon that gives you a lot of flexibility, and it obviously can’t do too much damage without being overpowered.”

Basically, what they’re saying is: “A powerful weapon can’t be too versatile, and a versatile weapon can’t be too powerful.” That’s why the Destroyer, Railgun, and Shield Generator Backpack have all been nerfed in this latest patch.

Alex said: “We firmly believe that these changes will not destroy this build, but rather help affected projects find their place among other options and remain effective in capable hands.” They concluded by adding: “ I know it absolutely sucks to have a toy where your favorite item is nerfed.” That said, they’re hoping that after evaluating the new versions of each weapon, you’ll still find them worth using.

For the super nerds out there, the developers have also shared some additional notes on how exactly the railgun has been changed, detailing the exact changes being made to certain weapons – complete with numbers, just in case the text isn’t quite as specific. The damage value and percentage are important to you.

Well, by the way, be sure to check out the rest of the changes that the latest Helldivers 2 patch brings, like some scary-sounding environmental hazards.

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