Providing internet services to Nigerian aid workers

The group requires a total of $1.16 million to maintain and enhance services across 11 business areas across the region.

The group requires a total of $1.16 million to maintain and enhance services across 11 business areas across the region.

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) has been awarded $50,000 to improve internet connectivity for humanitarian organizations responding to terrorism in northeastern Nigeria.

The group requires a total of $1.16 million to maintain and enhance services across 11 business areas across the region.

ETC is a global network of organizations that collaborate to provide shared communications services during humanitarian disasters.

Last month, the donation enabled ETC to provide data connections to 1,230 users from 91 institutions.

There are 14 United Nations agencies and 77 non-governmental organizations operating in the region.

In addition, the configuration, installation and assembly of the two CrisisNet kits were a highlight for the rescuers.

The CrisisNet Kit is a portable connectivity solution designed to provide internet access to humanitarian personnel in areas where national networks are unavailable or unreliable.

As part of ETC’s ambition to upgrade its cybersecurity architecture, the cluster is working with the World Food Program to test newly purchased firewall cybersecurity equipment that has been integrated into the ETC Connect network.

Oluwashina Oni, ETC Information Management Officer, said: “ETC is currently monitoring the performance of the firewall and adjusting requirements based on feedback before deploying the same solution in seven other locations.”

Northeastern Nigeria is a center of terror for Islamist groups, primarily Boko Haram.

Thousands of people have been killed and 1.2 million displaced since the violence began in 2009. Certain telecommunications infrastructure was damaged. This discourages operator investment.

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