Daily Dow Jones Internet Bulls 3X Stocks (NYSEARCA:WEBL) Shares Up 2.8%

Shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares (NYSEARCA:WEBL – Get Free Report ) were up 2.8% in midday trading on Tuesday. The company’s highest trading price was $18.77 and its latest trading price was $18.63. Volume at midday was 547,824 shares, down 35% from the average volume of 839,186 shares. The stock previously closed at $18.12.

Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull Market 3X Stock Performance

The company has a market capitalization of $265.48 million, a P/E ratio of 25.56, and a beta of 3.41. The business has a 50-day simple moving average of $17.10 and a 200-day simple moving average of $13.47.

Institutional investors pay daily attention to Dow Jones Internet Bull Market 3X Stocks

Hedge funds have recently bought and sold the stock. Tower Research Capital LLC TRC increased its holdings in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X by 276.3% during the fourth quarter. Tower Research Capital LLC TRC now owns 80,166 shares of the company’s stock valued at $1,215,000 after acquiring an additional 58,865 shares during the last quarter. Pathstone Family Office LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares in the third quarter worth approximately $342,000. Jane Street Group LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares in the first quarter worth approximately $1,195,000. Harbor Investments Inc. raised its position in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares by 558.1% in the first quarter. Harbor Investments Inc. now owns 5,528 shares of the company’s stock valued at $50,000 after acquiring an additional 4,688 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Virtu Financial LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares during the fourth quarter worth approximately $432,000.

Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull Market 3X Stock Company Profiles

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Direxion Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares (WEBL) is an exchange-traded fund based on the DJ Internet Composite Index. The fund offers 3x leverage daily exposure to a market cap-weighted index of the largest, most liquid U.S. Internet companies. WEBL was launched on November 7, 2019 and is managed by Direxion.

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