It doesn’t matter, there are definitely no flying insects in Helldiver 2 now, and players don’t have to worry about the potential side effects of Termicide.

The good news is that Helldivers 2 is now definitely free of flying insect enemies, although many players have spotted them and provided video evidence of them. Furthermore, there’s no reason to worry about what the chemicals released as part of the game’s latest major order might quietly do to you or the environment.

Yes, we’re all doing well and the chance of being ambushed by a powerful enemy is much lower now, even if there may not be a consensus on which planets to prioritize these days. Flying insects in Helldivers 2 are, well, good friends, that’s definitely not a thing (it is).

Do you know how we know this? Because Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt says that’s the case, in a way that’s definitely not sarcastic or tongue-in-cheek (which it is), it’s just that. “I’ve heard rumors that there are flying insects in Escape from the Dead 2,” he declared, “and I want to officially refute this ridiculous claim.

“Everyone knows ‘bugs don’t fly’. I’m not the only one who thinks so. The Ministry of Truth agrees that this is propaganda from bug sympathizers who want to brainwash good people.” So, so be it. Stop being afraid of flying insects.

You see, these flying bugs certainly can’t be seen clearly in the many videos players have posted to the game’s Reddit subreddit since the game’s release. The important command to “activate the Terminid control system”The answers given yesterday should solve the pest problem currently plaguing multiple planets.

You heard me, the article doesn’t show what looks a bit like an evolved version of Morrowind’s infamous cliff racer that obviously attacks players (which it does), nor does the article show that it clearly has The photo was altered (it wasn’t), sort of like those blurry snapshots of Bigfoot.

Also, there’s absolutely no concern that releasing a bunch of anticide as part of a mission might not actually, you know, end all of the galaxy’s problems.

Some of them certainly wouldn’t guess that it might have side effects, like, I don’t know, awakening some of the bigger bugs that might currently be living beneath the surface of these worlds. They also definitely don’t think it’s likely to be a nasty herbicide, given the game’s theme, and its…artificial colors and taste could damage the lungs of Super Earth troops.

Is this concern (which is absolutely not true) valid? Who knows now, but it’s something to keep an eye on when we’re killing flying insects that aren’t things either (which they are).

Whatever you think might happen in the game, be sure to check out the rest of our coverage of Helldiver 2’s latest update

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