Patty Jenkins claims she’ll return to ‘Star Wars: Rogue Squadron’

Patty Jenkins’ latest movie, “A Perfect World,” Star Wars: Rogue Squadronabout now Box office run coming to an end.Announced 2020 Published December 2023this movie is destined to be an inspiring movie Star Wars Behind-the-Scenes Filmmaker Reveals Adventures of Ace Rebel Pilot monster and Wonder Woman.

But it’s not a perfect world. Rogue Squadron Never got enough behind-the-scenes momentum Filming begins, and after years of rumors, Disney Remove it from release schedule Late 2022.This seems to be the end of the movie, especially when Lucasfilm Three new movies announced During development, none of it was this. However, in a new interview, Jenkins herself claimed that she traveled back to a galaxy far, far away.

“I’m starting to do it again now Rogue Squadron,” said Jenkins this talking pictures podcast. “We’ll see what happens. We need to develop it and get it to a point where we’re all very happy with it.” io9 reached out to Lucasfilm multiple times but has yet to receive comment or clarification. We will update this story if there is any.

Jenkins prefaced the announcement with some backstory involving another big franchise she’s been working on. “So when I left Star Wars do it Wonder Woman 3I thought maybe I would come back Star Wars back Wonder Woman 3,” Jenkins said. “So we made a deal for that, started a deal, but I think I’m doing wonder woman. When that went away, Lucasfilm and I thought, “Oh, we’ve got to get this deal done.” We got the deal done when the strike happened.So now I owe a draft Star Wars So we’ll see what happens there. You know, who knows? What was the first movie they were going to make was a daunting task before them.They’ve got other directors that have been working, but I’m now, you know, I’m back Rogue Squadron We’ll see what happens. We need to develop it and get it to a point where we’re both really happy with it. ” You can listen to the segment starting 42 minutes in here.

Talking Pictures Podcast | Episode 9 | Maximized

We don’t know when this podcast was recorded, but even if it was a few months ago (which it almost certainly wasn’t), it marks a major update Rogue Squadron Considering everyone thought it was dead. However, as Jenkins suggests, it’s not quite alive yet. She just owed the studio a draft of the script. Whether Lucasfilm will like a draft of the script and move forward depends on its quality.Everything is clear, the next step is Star Wars The movie is almost certainly The Mandalorian and Grogu. After that, who knows? Maybe a Rey movie? But it’s all still up in the air.

Whether or not Jenkins is being completely honest, we still find one thing very, very interesting. In fact, the movie is already being turned on and off more frequently than a light switch now, but at some point, Lucasfilm was good enough to make a big public announcement about it happening. There is a video and everything! That was more than three years ago. Yet we’re still talking about maybe finding a good script. So when you announced the movie there was no one at the beginning? Isn’t this a symptom of a larger problem?

Again, we will update this story if Lucasfilm becomes involved. For now, though, we’ll just have to take Jenkins’ word for it. what do you think?

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