The best healing materials in FF7 Rebirth and where to find them

Epic RPG Final Fantasy VII Reborn have a lot of fighting. like a lot of. Of course, you’ll want to boost your damage output and cast buffs and debuffs to get through these fights, but healing materials are one of the most important orbs you can grab and pound into your weapon or armor.

read more: FF7 reborn: How synergistic skills and abilities work

I have gathered List all materials (Be jealous, Yuffie) This will heal you, revive you, cure status conditions, and generally make you fight longer in this guide. Also, if you’re ready to go into Hard Mode, you won’t be able to use items. This means no X-Potion or Giga-Potion of Mist. For any Hardmode run, recovery materials must be incorporated into the build.

Some of these materials are green magic materials, while others are purple complete materials or yellow command materials. If you’re not sure about the differences, check out the general materials guide to learn some basics. Otherwise, all the materials you need to keep your HP can be found here! (Yes, including HP Up!).

treatment materials

Healing materials allow you to cast Heal first, then Cura, Regen*, and finally Curaga when you gain more AP. Characters with high magic attributes heal the most when casting spells. You can find healing materials in the following locations (in addition to the cloud equipped with an orb at the start of the game):

  • Most materials and items suppliers
  • Rewards for “Prairie Area Intelligence: Level 1” in Chudley Combat Simulator
  • Golden Saucer Green Room
  • Diversion Hall in Jiren’s Cave, rewarded for dropping faded materials in front of Bugenhagen
  • Earn an A-level award for six piano mini-game performances

*Regen will restore your HP. Interestingly, it also eliminates poison. If you cast it on someone who’s poisoned, you won’t get the restorative status effect, but it’s an easy solution if you’re not using items or don’t have cleansing materials equipped.

resurrection materials

Resurrection materials allow you to resurrect fallen comrades in battle. It starts with the first spell “Raise” which resurrects and restores a decent amount of health. After gaining 5,000 AP, you’ll be able to cast “Rise,” bringing your character back to life with full health. You can find Resurrection Materia in the following locations:

  • Sold by most item and material vendors after Chapter 9
  • “Nibel Area Intelligence: Level 2” reward Chadley’s battle simulator

I personally equip every character with Reviv. I doubt there is a more economical solution, but it gives me peace of mind knowing that everyone can resurrect someone.

Re-enhance herbal medicine

Re-raising will allow characters to automatically resurrect after being knocked down. It does require 35 MP to cast, so while it’s reassuring, it’s really expensive. You can find Re-Raising Materia Medica at these locations:

  • Developed with Chadley from Meridian Ocean Intel*
  • Developed with Chadley of Meridian Ocean

*After completing all Protorelic activities in the rest of the world, you will be able to obtain data points from Meridian Ocean.

cleaning materials

Starting with a poison that cures poison, purification materials will level up to grant Esuna, and then eventually resistance. The former cures any negative status effects, while the latter makes you immune to their effects. You can find cleaning materials at:

  • Sold by most item and material vendors starting in Chapter 6
  • Found in Where the Wind Blows Grassland side quest
  • Rewards for “Junong Area Intelligence: Level 2” in Chudley Battle Simulator

Chakra Materia Medica

Chakra is a command (yellow) magic stone that heals you for a percentage of the damage you take. As the material gains more AP from combat, it scales accordingly: 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and then 40% of damage taken. As command material, it is found not in spells but in abilities. You can obtain chakra materials from:

  • Tifa’s starting material loadout
  • Available from most materials and item shops
  • Rewards for working out at Corel Gym
  • In the water cave of Cosmo Canyon
  • In the ancient temple after the first gravity shift

prayer materials

Prayer heals all party members and does not consume MP since it is a command material. It can be upgraded five times via AP, with each level increasing the healing amount. You can find prayer materials at:

  • Available in most items and materials stores for Chapter 10 and beyond
  • Part of Alice’s starting material loadout
  • Gongaga phenomenon in the box near Intel 4

I eventually gave up on the Prayer Stone and instead associated the Amplification Stone with the Healing Stone. When Cait Sith joins your party, he is equipped with a magnifying glass. You can also find it in the North Ridge area of ​​Mount Nibel and after completing the “Victims of Circumstances” side quest and “Brutal Challenge: The Tone of the Villain in the Chudley Battle Scene.” This is a very powerful material that I find most effective when coupled with restorative and state-enhancing materials.

HP absorbent material

You need to associate this material with an elemental spell. Once completed, you can cast the spell and convert its damage into healing. You can find HP absorbent materials at:

  • Developed with Chadley from Corel Region Intel (you can create up to two spheres this way)

HP Materials

As a full purple texture, HP Up does not heal you. However, it does increase your HP from 10% early on to a maximum of 30%. You can find HP Up at:

  • Part of Yuffie’s starting equipment
  • Available from most item and material vendors
  • Rewards for “Combat Training: Beginner’s Hall” in Chadley’s Combat Simulator
  • On a boat under the banks of the Junon River
  • Earned an A grade for piano performance “On Our Way”
  • At the corner of the Golden Theater in the Golden Saucer Event Plaza
  • On the cliffs of the Dust Bowl Bandits
  • Rewards for “Gongaga Area Intelligence: Level 2” in Chudley Battle Simulator

You can stack HP Up materials for up to an additional 30% increase. Note that HP Up already increases your HP by 30% when leveling up all the way, so while early stacking may be a quick fix, it’s more economical to level up multiple instances and equip them on different characters (Barret is A good choice as he is an excellent tank).

While it does help to think of materials in terms of color-coded categories, I find that I’m most effective in combat when I consider the material’s broader functionality, regardless of color coding. No matter how you handle the materials or how you assign certain characters, the materials inspire a tinkering with RPG character specs that has clearly stood the test of time since its inception in 1997.

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