MTN takes proactive steps to restore internet services in Ghana

Ghanaian newspaper MyJoyOnline recently reported that MTN Ghana has secured additional capacity from its international partners to curb internet outages caused by damaged undersea internet cables.

This is according to a statement released by the company on Monday, March 18, which read: “We are pleased to inform you that we have secured additional capacity from international partners, which improves your data experience.”

Network outages occurred on the West African subcontinent on Thursday. This is due to damage to the MainOne and ACE submarine cables that serve as telecommunications data arteries. The damage disrupted connectivity to cell phone carriers and internet service providers in the area.

This poses a unique challenge given that fiber optic cables are now widely available across Africa, although there are significant differences between regions.

The use of these cables is the result of huge expenditures by public and commercial entities over the past decade.

Some countries were severely damaged, while others were slightly affected. Ghana, one of the hardest-hit countries, has the severity of its internet outage classified as “high,” which is below the worst-hit level; severe.

In a statement, MTN Ghana apologized to customers for any inconvenience the current incident may have caused, saying; “We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Please be assured that we are exploring all options to mitigate your data challenges.”

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