Good news, Baldur’s Gate 3’s latest fix stops Minthara from suddenly tipping your not-so-evil ass

Warning: There are spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3.

What are Baldur’s Gate 3 players missing? Hotfix just released, that’s it! So, what does it do? Well, thankfully, the sadness and sudden breakup that many Dark Urge players faced came to an end when the usually awesome Minthara found out they were going to feel bad for Bhaal.

Yes, not-so-evil Minty fans, you’ve saved your lovely romantic arc from ending without warning because you only made such a gorgeous speech after booking a table at a restaurant, It’s well above “This Is Not You,” which is my threshold for luxury makeup. Oh, and this fix also finally brings the last few games that were launched without clicking on Xbox to Microsoft consoles, hopefully resolving some of the cross-save issues in the process.

If you look at the full set of notes for Patch 22 (which is releasing today on PC, PS5, Mac, and Xbox), it explains why poor Durge players will be instantly dumped if they choose to do so. There lies the path to rejecting Baal and following the redemption of their character. You might find it a bit interesting.

Apparently the root of the problem was “an issue with legacy dialogue that was inadvertently enabled as part of another series of fixes,” with some of the unexpected reappearance of chatter being Minty’s breakup tirade. The good news is that it’s now packed again, which means everything should be fine. Larian also “made Mintara promise not to repeat her thoughts about Gail in the third act,” so hopefully her other comments won’t be as easily repeated as they have been for some time.

In addition to the Drow-specific content, the patch also brings Hotfixes 20 and 21 to Xbox, as well as a number of measures designed to prevent the game from crashing in certain situations, such as when you put your Xbox into standby or minimize it. BG3 to view other content above.

It should be easier to tell if your game isn’t cross-saving correctly thanks to UI changes designed to clearly indicate “when a cross-save sync fails” and give you options to try it out so you can immediately go through the process again.

Finally, the “rare problem of the conversation ending abruptly when you go to kiss your romantic partner” is no longer an issue, so feel free to go for a peck without worrying that you’ll miss something Raizel says insanity or Gail uses than The necessary 1000 more words said something very interesting (I certainly couldn’t understand the latter).

Before you kiss in camp, be sure to check out our Baldur’s Gate 3 guide, which can help you make big decisions, solve murders, and find the Joker without having to look in the mirror.

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