Chrome for Android now lets you use non-Google password managers

Google Password Manager Chrome Update 2

Andy Walker/Android Authority

long story short

  • Chrome for Android now offers the ability to use third-party password managers and autofill solutions.
  • The app has long restricted your use of Google’s password manager and Chrome Autofill.
  • This new feature requires you to enable a flag, but it’s not 100% reliable yet.

Android has pretty strong support for password managers and autofill providers, but this doesn’t extend to Chrome for Android. Instead, Chrome users must rely on Google’s password manager and Chrome’s Autofill feature to enter and save credentials.

Things seem to be changing for user X Leopeva 64 Discover Chrome for Android now lets you use other password managers and autofill providers.

This feature is not available out of the box, but Android Police Reports say you need to enable a specific Chrome flag (chrome://flags/#enable-autofill-virtual-view-struct).

Once the feature is enabled, you’ll find it under “Autofill Options” in the settings menu. Click on this feature and you will see two options, “Default” (Google Password Manager and Chrome Autofill) or “Use another provider.” To use other password managers or autofill providers, you need to enable them in your Android phone’s settings menu.

Do you use a third-party password manager on your phone?

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Unfortunately, this feature seems to be taking some time. I’ve found that third-party password managers don’t immediately suggest saved usernames at first, although they do suggest passwords well. We can also confirm the store’s claim that the alternative password manager doesn’t prompt you to save your new credentials after you first enter them, but you do have a button to manually enter them for later use.

In other words, it’s clear this feature isn’t ready for prime time. But it’s still a long overdue addition to Chrome for Android, especially for those who don’t want to put all their eggs in the Google basket or use third-party solutions to work.

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