Sam Altman also thinks ChatGPT “kind of sucks” and he should know

if you are exhausted Excessive Generative AI HypeYou are not alone. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman His company’s latest and greatest artificial intelligence model, GPT-4, said, It’s actually kind of bad In an interview with Lex Fridman published Monday. In fact, Altman hopes GPT-5 will live up to expectations.

“I think it’s kind of bad,” Ultraman says When asked about GPT-4 and its most impressive features. “I think our job is to remember in the next few years that the tools we have now are going to be kind of terrible and look back at them and that’s how we make sure the future is better.”

Sam Altman: OpenAI, GPT-5, Sora, Board Saga, Elon Musk, Ilya, Power, and AGI | Lex Friedman Podcast #419

Friedman, who had just praised GPT-4, was taken aback by Altman’s remarks. Altman used the question to talk about how excited he is about GPT-5, or whatever the next model is called. The OpenAI CEO noted that his company will release a new version of ChatGPT next year, but did not specify its name. Altman said the next model will be a similar leap to GPT-4.

“Look, I don’t want to underestimate the achievement of GPT-4, but I also don’t want to exaggerate it,” Altman said. “I think we’re on an exponential curve and we’ll be looking back at GPT-4 soon, just like we’re looking back at GPT-3 now.”

Altman speaks to what many of us are feeling: AI burnout. We’ve all heard countless stories about how artificial intelligence will take away our jobs, change the world, or potentially hasten our impending doom. He described the “amazing flashes” in GPT-4, but noted that its best use case is often as a brainstorming partner. The OpenAI CEO noted that ChatGPT is rarely useful for complex multi-step problems. When it does work, it’s magical, but it’s rare.

There’s been a lot of speculation about OpenAI’s next model. Every day, people on X try to predict when exactly GPT-5, GPT 4.5, or GPT-4.5 Turbo will be released. Everyone is waiting for the AI ​​models that will truly make our lives better.when people are particularly excited Bing mysteriously caches GPT-4.5 Turbo search results On OpenAI’s website, though the company says it’s not theirs and has no plans for an upcoming release.

One model we do know about is Sora, OpenAI’s text-to-video generator, which may be available in just a few months, according to an interview with CTO Mira Murati. The model may contain some tasteful nudity, mocked in februaryand shocked the world with its realistic videos.

Allegedly “kinda terrible” GPT-4 model has pushed OpenAI to 100 million weekly users, and Valuation: US$80 billion. For now, Altman and the rest of us just have to wait for GPT-5 to realize our AI dreams.

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