Nothing invites its community to design, package and customize special edition phones (2a)

There’s no point in stressing that it’s all about community, so it’s launching a new program today that invites its community to design, package and customize special edition phones (2a). This “unprecedented co-creation initiative” is called the Community Edition project.

It will last six months and be divided into four phases. During this timeframe, Nothing will collect community entries for the design of the special edition phone (2a) – hardware, wallpapers, packaging and marketing. The company says that creators of winning entries in each stage will “have the opportunity to work directly with the Nothing team to bring their creations to life.”

It all started with the hardware design phase on March 26th. From that point on, you can submit your entries on this website. The winner will work with Nothing’s London-based industrial design team to bring their ideas to life.

The second phase, which will open in May, will focus on designing wallpapers for special edition phones. The collection of award-winning wallpapers will be pre-installed on the device. Then, in June, the packaging design phase will begin – there’s nothing like “this is your chance to create a special unboxing experience that brings together hardware and wallpaper design”.

The final phase starts in July and is mainly marketing. To participate, you will need to conceptualize and submit a creative proposal for marketing the Phone (2a) Community Edition, with support from Nothing’s Brand & Creative team. Winners in all four categories will host the phone’s launch event in London, with the Nothing team demonstrating how the winning ideas come together to create the phone.

Nothing co-founder and CEO Carl Pei said:

We believe that in the future, the boundaries between companies and communities will be eliminated and hopefully become the same thing. In the future, perhaps the community can also contribute code to Nothing OS, or create other products with us. We must believe in people and the democratization of information and knowledge. I think this will be a great opportunity to expand our community. This is a project co-created by design and marketing, and I think it will attract a lot of new creative minds. I’m excited to see what we will build together.

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