Google’s ‘Woke’ image generator shows the limits of artificial intelligence

Far-right internet troll Ian Miles Cheong blamed the entire situation on Krawczyk, whom he called a “woke, race-obsessed idiot” while referencing a post on X from years ago in which Krawczyk acknowledged the existence of systemic racism and white privilege. .

“We now admit that our wild lies had superhuman intelligence,” Jordan Peterson wrote On his X account, there is a link to a story about the situation.

But the reality is that Gemini, or any similar generative AI system, does not possess “superhuman intelligence,” whatever that means. If anything, this situation suggests the opposite is true.

As Marcus points out, Gemini cannot distinguish between historical requests (such as a request to show the Apollo 11 astronauts) and contemporary requests (such as a request for images of current astronauts).

Historically, AI models, including OpenAI’s Dall-E, have been biased, showing non-white people when asked for images of prisoners, for example, and showing non-white people when asked for images of CEOs. Show only white people. Gemini’s problem may not reflect model inflexibility “but rather an overcompensation in the representation of Gemini’s diversity,” said Sasha Luccioni, a researcher at AI startup Hugging Face. “Bias does go on a spectrum, and it’s hard to make the right judgment while taking into account things like historical context.”

This calibration can go especially wrong when combined with the limitations of AI models. “Image-generating models don’t really have any concept of time,” Luccioni said, “so any type of diverse technique applied by Gemini’s creators can basically be broadly applicable to any image generated by the model. I think that’s what we’re looking at here. arrival situation.”

Lucchione said finding the right balance of representation and diversity will be difficult as the nascent AI industry tries to figure out how to deal with bias.

“I don’t think there’s a single right answer, and there’s no ‘just’ model,” Lucioni said. “Different companies have taken different stances on this. It does seem interesting, but Google seems to be taking a bridgeton Image generation approach, I think this is refreshing. “

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