Dragon’s Dogma 2’s mysterious gunman is super easy to unlock

most Dragon’s Dogma 2The course (or “career”) is a continuation of the 2012 entry in the series. However, since this is the sequel to Capcom’s newly released high fantasy action RPG, there are indeed some new classes to unlock. one of them, The mysterious spearman who serves Darth Maul, is a very easy class to unlock but also very easy to miss. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s mysterious spearman essentially replaced Dragon’s DogmaThe mysterious knight. Both classes defeat enemies with magic and melee attacks, making them advanced hybrid classes with high defensive and offensive abilities. While the Mystic Knight is unlocked upon reaching level 10 in the OG game, the Mystic Spearman requires a bit more effort to obtain. This isn’t as serious of a problem as some people online have suggested, though, as you can unlock the class after the first five hours or so into it. Dragon’s Dogma 2of travel. Trust me, it’s worth it.

How to unlock Dragon’s Dogma 2the mysterious spearman

once you start Dragon’s Dogma 2, you will complete the first few main missions. After all, you are the Resurrection, the chosen one not only destined to slay the mean old dragon who stole your heart, but also the rightful heir to the human kingdom of Vermonde. So, of course, your first experience with the game will be the story content, designed to acclimate you to its intricate characters and world.

You’ll escape the prison you’re trapped in and be able to explore several different areas, including The ruined city of Melvi (This is important for unlocking the Mystic Spearman, but we’ll come back to that later).When you arrive at Fernworth, Vermont’s first major city, you’ll be familiar with Brandt, captain of the Vimond Guard and primary quest giver. Talking to him will trigger at least three different missions for you to perform. This is where your journey to unlock the mysterious Spearman officially begins.

Brandt will ask you to kill some monsters to complete the “Monster Culling” quest, investigate the Queen to complete the “Disa’s Conspiracy” quest, and free a high-ranking official to complete the “Caged Judge” objective. The order in which you complete these tasks doesn’t matter, you only need to complete one of them to make further progress towards unlocking the Medieval Force Class. So, the choice is up to you.For me, I did the “monster cull” because it was so easy to take down, and, really, fuck lizard Man. Those water lizards will drown in hell.

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s new class is a spinning death machine

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s new class is a spinning death machine

Once one of Brant’s missions is completed and the dust has settled, you’ll want to ride the Wynnworth Ox Cart back to Merv. As you glide through here as part of the main quest, you’ll be taken back to memories of a time when the city was thriving, not just surviving, but just minutes before the Dragon of Destiny struck, and you set foot on The way forward. Become the Risen One first. Upon returning to the now ruined city, you’ll find Melvi once again being razed to the ground by another dragon.

Everyone worth their salt will do whatever it takes to fight off the flying lizards, including Sigurd, a very popular NPC and a master of the mysterious gunman profession. You don’t have to kill the dragon (although there are benefits to doing so), you just have to survive long enough for the beast to retreat. When it happens, you’ll want to talk to Sigurd before he walks out of the city. When you ask him about his fighting style, he’ll tell you it’s a “patchwork of abilities” of his own design. This will then unlock the Mystic Spearman class. It’s that simple.

If you happen to miss Sigurd because he’s dead, upset, or whatever, you can find him in his home: harrow village, located southwest of Waynworth and one of the areas you’ll visit during the Monster Culling mission. Talk to him there, Viola, and you’ll learn the Mystical Spearman profession. Simple peas, extra cheese.but What happens if you kill the dragon that terrorizes Merv, although?Well, not only can you get a lot of gold coins and experience points, but you can also get some upgrade materials and Powerful Death Bell Twin Spears For the mysterious spearman.This weapon is unique to the high fantasy double-edged class, due to its Spear of the Initiator, you first unlock the first weapon you get for that class. I told you it was worth it.

Yes, it is like that. There isn’t much else to unlocking the Mysterious Spearman. To break this down to its simplest form, you really only need to visit Melvi at least twice to meet Sigurd in Melvi. From there, you can fulfill your medieval fantasy of hurling corpses at your enemies using the Force. It’s sick.

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