Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are using catapults to open up new areas on the map

If you’re playing Dragon’s Dogma 2, chances are you’ve come across catapults. So, did you know that you can use them not only to throw things at your enemies? No, we’re not talking about placing one of your pieces there and then throwing them onto the map. That won’t workobviously.

What you can do is use siege engines to launch projectiles onto the map to unlock new paths or areas such as X user Peppo demo.

This surprised many players The catapult is considered unusable But it’s more of an environmental decoration.And it seems Thief’s explosive power Roads can also be cleared. The more you know, etc.

If you’re new to the game and don’t know where to start, check out our list of the best starting careers in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The initial class choice you make will determine the starting equipment, starting weapons, and starting class match start time skills.You can unlock other classes later in the game, such as the Mystic Spearman, Mage, or Warrior – but first, you must Archer, warrior, mage or thief.

There are other Dragon’s Dogma 2 guides on our site that you should read for more tips and walkthroughs.

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