NASA unveils first astronaut moon kit since Apollo

Artemis 3 astronauts will be the first to walk on the lunar surface in more than 50 years, ushering in a new era of lunar exploration. NASA selected the right tools for astronauts to test the feasibility of a long-term human presence on the moon.

NASA has disclose Artemis astronauts will carry the first scientific instruments to the moon and deploy them at the lunar south pole.These three tools were selected for the Artemis 3 task, i.e. Set to launch in September 2026especially since they require a human to install.

Artemis 3 will be the first time astronauts have landed on the moon since the Apollo era, and the tools chosen represent technological advances that have been brewing for the past 52 years. “With these innovative instruments stationed on the lunar surface, we are embarking on a transformative journey that will launch human-machine collaboration,” NASA Associate Administrator Pam Melroy said in a statement Ability, this is a completely new way of scientific research.” stated. “These three deployed instruments were selected to begin scientific research to achieve key Moon-to-Mars science goals.”

One of the newly announced tools is the Lunar Environmental Monitoring Station (LEMS), a “compact suite of autonomous seismometers designed for continuous, long-term monitoring of the seismic environment,” according to NASA. In other words, it’s a gadget that sniffs out moonquakes. By collecting ground motion data, scientists hope to better understand the structure of the moon’s crust and mantle, and how the moon formed and evolved over time.

An experiment called Lunar Effects on Agricultural Flora (LEAF) will study the potential of growing crops on the moon to provide nutrition and life support for astronauts. LEAF represents NASA’s “first experiment to observe plant photosynthesis, growth, and systemic stress responses to space radiation and eccentric gravity,” the space agency wrote. China did something similar back in 2019, when its microbiosphere experiment sprouted a cotton seed on the lunar surface.

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Finally, there is the Lunar Dielectric Analyzer (LDA), which will measure the ability of the lunar regolith to spread electric fields. It also looks for possible signs of frost and ice deposits. Water is obviously vital to sustaining life during long-duration missions, not just to quench thirst. Water can be used to generate oxygen (used to support agriculture) and make fuel.

“These three science instruments will be our first opportunity since the Apollo program to harness the unique capabilities of human explorers,” Joel Kearns, associate administrator for exploration at NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, said in a statement. Transformative Lunar Science.” “These payloads mark our first step toward implementing the high-priority science recommendations outlined in the Artemis III Science Definition Panel report.”

Artemis 3 generals Landing on the South Pole of the Moon, an area that has yet to be explored by humans and contains permanently shadowed areas where water ice may exist beneath the surface. In addition to the potential to find valuable lunar resources in Antarctica, it provides a unique opportunity to uncover the origin story of Earth’s natural satellite.

Want to learn more about humanity’s next giant leap in space?View our full coverage NASA’s Artemis Moon Programnew Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraftthis The recently concluded Artemis 1 mission around the moon, Artemis 2 crew of four, NASA and Axiom’s Artemis Lunar Suitand the upcoming Lunar Gateway Space Station.To get more spaceflight in your life, follow us X And bookmark it specifically for Gizmodo Aerospace page.

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