Meta and Google fuel abortion misinformation in Africa, Asia and Latin America, report finds

The fight for reproductive rights is taking place on social media, and Big Tech may not be helping the cause.

A new report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and global charities MSI reproductive options (MSI) said Meta, and in some cases Google, are restricting abortion information while further spreading misinformation and abuse in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The CCDH reports that some abortion providers are restricted from advertising on Meta and Google platforms globally, and that Meta also profits from anti-abortion ads in the United States that are designed to discourage people from seeking abortions overseas.

See also:

Abortion funding network persists in fight against restrictions on access

How are abortion ads restricted?

The report states that MSI’s ads have been rejected or removed by Meta in Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, and Vietnam for unspecified reasons such as “sensitive content,” and that Meta has imposed sweeping ad restrictions on MSI’s local teams based at its headquarters. In Nepal and Vietnam, there is no good reason.

Meanwhile, Ghana’s “Pregnancy Choice” ads have reportedly been blocked by Google. More specifically, MSI’s local team in Ghana said they were banned from using the term “pregnancy option” when planning a campaign themselves using Google Adwords.

In addition, the report also stated that both Google and Facebook had fake pages and websites that imitated MSI content and were intended to deceive users in Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam; some of the pages were described as asking potential customers to make mobile money transfers.

Google representative Michael Aciman told Mashable: “This report does not contain any examples of policy-violating content on Google’s platform, nor any examples of inconsistent enforcement. Without evidence, it claims that some ads are blocked in Ghana for mentioning ‘pregnancy.'” To be clear, these types of ads are not banned in Ghana – if they are restricted, it is likely because of our long history of targeting sensitive health policies for categories of people (including pregnancy). “

Aciman also pointed out that Google does not prohibit ads that use the term “pregnancy options”; however, as part of Google’s personalized advertising policy, advertisers will be required to do so when advertising products or services related to “sensitive interest categories.” Cannot target specific audiences. Therefore, if MSI or other advertisers attempt to run a targeted campaign against any of these categories within their own audience lists, the campaign will not run.

Meta spokesperson Ryan Daniels said in a statement to Mashable, “We allow posts and ads that promote health care services, as well as discussion and debate around those services. Content about reproductive health must comply with our rules, including about prescription drugs. and medicines.” Misinformation and ads promoting reproductive health products or services may only be targeted to people over 18. ” Meta reiterated this policy in its Transparency Center.

Daniels added that Meta will review the information in the CCDH report: “We prohibit ads that contain false information or mislead people about the services a business provides, and we will review the content of the report.”

Important and error messages

The report also claimed that Meta’s platform allowed the spread of misinformation: Specifically, the CCDH found that misinformation was prominent in Mexico, with anti-abortion ads on Meta claiming that abortion pills posed a “high risk” to women. Many of the ads have reportedly been viewed millions of times, and Mexico has restrictions on ads promoting sexual and other reproductive health services.

Similarly, in Ghana, anti-abortion groups such as the American League for Life (AUL) and Tree of Life Ministries (run by American-born Israeli evangelical Christians) have reportedly run misleading ads about abortion. CCDH said such ads were viewed 3.83 million times worldwide.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp messages from anti-abortion platforms were found circulating in Ghana, using abusive language and claiming MSI was part of a “satanic” agenda. According to MSI country teams, including the Ghana team, such messages deter clients from visiting local clinics. In Kenya, the MSI team also said they were targeted with abusive language on Facebook and X.

“Disinformation can only be corrected with facts and evidence, but from Ghana to Nepal, Meta is removing our Facebook pages and ads without explanation while turning a blind eye,” MSI Reproductive Choices marketing specialist Whitney Chinogwenya said in a statement. Abusive messages directed at our team members as they are simply doing their jobs. “

“At the same time, Google has done little to nothing against harmful websites that promote fake clinics that put women and girls at grave risk. We’re always on to the next problem, with no one to turn to except chatbots ,” Chinogwenya continued.

CCDH and MSI noted that Meta’s response to the MSI team’s concerns about advertising and restrictions was inconsistent and vague. In Nepal and Vietnam, for example, MSI said its official accounts on the Meta platform have been banned from advertising, and teams must start from scratch by opening new accounts to spread the word.

“Social media companies mine the personal data of users in the Global South but pay little attention to protecting human rights and civil liberties there.”

– Imran Ahmed, CEO, CCDH

MSI is one of a number of abortion rights groups facing these difficulties, the report said, with Amnesty International and some activists also cited as being restricted from providing abortion-related content.

“Meta, Google and other companies have platforms where billions of people get information and share advice, but they refuse to accept the corresponding duty of care to protect people’s ability to get important medical advice and quickly take action against those who put their information at risk. “People’s health is at risk,” CCDH chief executive Imran Ahmed said in a statement. “Social media companies mine the personal data of users in the Global South but pay little attention to protecting human rights and civil liberties there. “

In many of these countries, abortion rights are restricted. In Ghana, women can seek abortion under certain circumstances, including rape, incest or risk of fetal malformation. Kenya has pledged to recognize abortion as a fundamental right, but legal ambiguity around abortion has led to misinformation and illegal procedures in backstreet clinics. In Nepal, abortion has been legalized since 2002, but unsafe procedures remain a concern. Just six months ago, Mexico legalized abortion in 2023, while in Vietnam, abortion is legal within the first 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Regardless of the legality of abortion, information is vital to communities in the so-called Global South. As Dr. Rishita Nandagiri, lecturer in feminism and health at the London School of Economics, wrote in 2022, “While it is important to oppose laws restricting abortion, feminist networks and hotlines can provide timely information, such as how to access medical abortion drugs and how Managing them is equally important.”

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