Google and Reddit expand partnership to bring easier navigation to the platform

Reddit is known for its poor search engine, with everyone preferring to use Google search instead of the platform’s own search engine for years.

Today, the platform revealed that that won’t change, but that the partnership with Google will expand. Google will gain access to this web data API, and in return, content and communities will be easier to find.

Google and Reddit expand partnership to bring easier navigation to the platform

Reddit builds on its existing partnership with Google Cloud and will integrate new artificial intelligence capabilities to improve the site, the companies confirmed. Google will facilitate the forward display of more content on Reddit messages, making it easier for people to participate in Reddit’s unique conversations.

Google also said it will use the Reddit Data API to better understand content and display, and to train its engine to use information in a more accurate and relevant way. The expanded partnership does not change how Google uses publicly crawlable content to index, train and display Google products.

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