CDPR confirms production on The Witcher 4 is ramping up

The making of an upcoming role-playing game The Witcher 4 It has picked up significantly since we last heard. CD project red confirmed as part of earnings report The team behind the game, codename polar star, has grown to 403 employees, approximately two-thirds of the studio. It is the largest single project currently underway at CD Projekt Red and is currently in pre-production.

Last we heard The Witcher 4 Back in January, Production is picking up after release Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Freedom Fall 2023. At the time, CD Projekt Red co-CEO Adam Bodowski said the studio was aiming to have around 400 employees working on the game by mid-2024 to be able to commit full-time to production on the second half of the title. Not only is the studio there, but it’s in advance. Badowski, you decide.

At the time, the studio was also investigating the possibility of using artificial intelligence, which has dominated conversations about game development over the past year.While updates are few and far between, the developers at CD Projekt Red did work with as a result of Recently, he said “there’s still a long way to go in terms of writing and voice acting.”

The Witcher 4and a trilogy of upcoming games announced in late 2022, along with many others.These include Remake of the original wizardother wizard game from fire in flood Developers molasses flood, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Freedom, A cyberpunk The sequel, there is also a brand new IP called Hadar Project.The game trilogy begins with The Witcher 4 Delivery is expected within six years, which is incredible considering the time required AAA works size these days.Especially given CDPR’s history of stepping up, and its recently promised that there would not be any For the upcoming game, I have no idea how to implement it, but I’m happy to be proven wrong.

Although production The Witcher 4 It looks like it’s going as planned, but other games CDPR is developing aren’t so lucky.Just last year, the Molasses Flood spin-off multiplayer game suffered a series of setbacks, including Restart This resulted in a round of layoffs. CDPR’s financial report pointed out that this game is also in the pre-production stage.Despite the good news The Witcher 4production, we shouldn’t expect to see anything from it long although.

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