‘Speak out against this evil’: Biden declares Easter ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ and the internet erupts

Over the weekend, conservatives expressed their outrage after news broke that President Joe Biden had declared Easter Sunday a “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Biden’s announcement on Friday said “all Americans” should work together to elevate “the lives and voices of transgender people across the country” and work to “eliminate violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

Donald Trump Jr. responded online: “Biden bans religious symbols from Easter celebrations at the White House alongside transgender flags and declares Easter Sunday a ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.'” “This is the new religion of the left. They want people to worship the trans flag instead of God. They must be stopped.”

Notably, the White House banned religious-themed Easter eggs from the annual art contest.

“I have the lowest opinion of Biden, but this is so evil I had to check to make sure it was real. It is,” said Daily Telegraph host and writer Matt Walsh . “Our ‘Catholic’ president chose the most important holiday on the Christian calendar to celebrate transgenderism. This man is a demon.”

Walsh pre-emptively addressed the excuse for the statement, writing: “The excuse is that ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ is a fixed ‘holiday’ that always falls on March 31st. The problem with this excuse is that the president doesn’t need to issue any statement.” The statement acknowledged something that Biden did not acknowledge until two years ago. He may not decide on the date for this fake bullshit holiday, but he does decide to officially announce it. “

Morning Edition culture reporter Megan Basham asserted that Easter is “Resurrection Day,” not “Trans Visibility Day,” adding, “We will not bow down to the new gods of your new religion.”

“The White House has launched yet another purposeful swipe at faith, belittling the Christian victims of the trans terror attack in Nashville,” conservative Dana Loesch posted. “No. Today is Resurrection Day. Easter. We do not recognize idols.”

“Joe Biden replaces Easter with ‘Transgender Day’ while banning [cross] “From the White House egg hunt – sick and demonic,” wrote congressional candidate Blake Masters. “But we know who will win in the end – in fact, today is the day our Lord descends into Hades and The day of final victory over death. Glory to Jesus Christ!”

Conservative Greg Price criticizes White House for routine attacks on Christians:

Biden White House:

– Religious symbols are prohibited from appearing in Easter egg hunts

– Declaring Easter Sunday “Transgender Visibility Day.”

– Pro-lifers prosecuted for praying outside abortion clinics.

– FBI raids anti-abortion activist’s home

– Sent FBI agents to spy on Latino crowds

– When Roe was overturned and churches and religious pregnancy centers burned down, we did nothing.

“I can’t understand how any Christian in their right mind can justify voting for Joe Biden,” Price added.

Prominent anti-abortion activist Lila Rose said: “President Biden’s announcement that Easter Sunday is now ‘Trans Visibility Day’ spreads the toxic lie that a person can be ‘transgender’ The body’s birth, and mutilating one’s body is ‘healthcare'”. explain. “Speak out against this evil that is destroying an entire generation of children.”

RELATED: Biden declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

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