Elon Musk’s X Fund files lawsuit against Jack Dorsey’s Block

Elon Musk has a lot of money. He also owns several companies with significant funding. One of the companies, X, is using some of its funds to fund another lawsuit.

this The lawsuit was filed by Chloe Happe Against her former employer Block—yes, Block was founded by Jack Dorsey, the founder of X when it was still called Twitter. The world of technology is just an interconnected network, not unlike the diagrams in Charts. L word.

In the complaint, Happe accuses Bullock of firing her because she made two posts on Refugees in Gaza; another article refers to refugees fleeing Gaza after the Hamas attack on 7 October. She used ableist language and denigrated trans people when referring to gender-neutral restrooms. Both were produced by pseudonymous accounts.

The lawsuit alleges that her unlawful firing violated Bullock’s own employee speech policy and “several constitutionally protected freedoms, including freedom of thought, worship, expression, and expression and association,” as neither post mentioned Bullock, who posted the two posts in her personal time, “voluntarily deleted” them within days of posting.

According to the lawsuit, Block’s human resources department said they received reports about Happe’s posts. When Bullock obtained the deleted posts and showed them to Happe, she denied making them and “claimed that an abusive ex-boyfriend must have impersonated her online.” Bullock fired Happe days later. She claims Bullock fired her without severance simply because she “expressed her political views, opinions, or beliefs in a satirical manner,” which Bullock disagrees with.

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“X is funding the lawsuit Chloe Happe is filing today against her former employer Block,” X’s account posted on X. “Block fired Chloe because she expressed political views on X. Chloe had two pseudonymous accounts on Block or her own identity. But because some of the views she expressed in X’s account were inconsistent with current political orthodoxy, Block violated the law and fired her. X supported her lawsuit to defend her rights.

acid hope to get back to work and compensation for lost wages. Block has not made a public statement about the lawsuit and did not immediately respond to Mashable’s request for comment.

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