Dragon’s Dogma 2 players really want to kiss their chess pieces

Dragon’s Dogma 2, Capcom’s latest high-fantasy action RPG that lets you romance a variety of non-player characters. From the city leader to the town fool, from the brothel owner to the young blacksmith, there is a lot of love between you as the Awakener and the many NPCs in the game. You can’t be romantic with a pawnHowever, this is a disappointing fact for many players begging for a date with their loyal servant.

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exist Dragon’s Dogma 2you can improve your affinity level Almost everyone you come in contact with. Doing things for the characters you meet will make them like you more, which will strengthen their connection with you in the game’s romance system. Saving the elf’s sister from a rampaging ogre? That genie will be charmed by you and may eventually ask you out. A bouquet of flowers for the herbalist? Likewise, the herbalist will warm to you. Unfortunately, the chess pieces, (Mostly) obedient retainers in the game The people you create or hire are not part of this love equation. No matter what you do, travel with them or give them gifts, they will never be romantic. While these actions do increase their affinity with you, some players still want to party hard with their loyal retainers.

“Why can’t we romance our pawns,” reddit user floopydoop90 said in Posts on r/DragonsDogma This is slowly gaining some traction. “We spend every second together. They greet us after resting in our beds. We create them with an incredibly powerful character creator. Romancing your pawn can be rewarding Combat or support buffs. When done together, heal more and attack more.”

“Is pawns romantic now?” asked Reddit user Talia_Rosethorn in r/DragonsDogma Their main Pawn blushing video when they speak. “My daughter is showing symptoms of maximal affinity but so far there has been almost nothing posted about it.”

Reddit user Inknown_Touch2339 said: “Spent $50,000 changing hair and color and now my main chess piece blushes every time we talk.” Their main Pawn blushing image Just like Talia_Rosethorn did. “Is there a hidden love affair between you and the chess pieces?”

Just like the 2012 game, you can’t romance Pawns Dragon’s Dogma 2. There’s no clear reason why, though in theory you can’t date them since their only goal is to help you, the Resurrectionist, take back what’s rightfully yours, and it might be a little weird for the game to let you do that with someone who lacks a soul or will of his own Dating. Still, that didn’t stop one Reddit user from arguing that there are signs Arisen and their Pawns aren’t strictly platonic.

Reddit user TianAnMen_8964’s theory is: “Players are always alone in their house with their main pawn, go to bed at the same time, and most likely in the same bed, and the main pawn will sometimes blush before and after going to sleep.” a very long post About r/Dragons Dogma. “I think the implication here is very clear. Of course you can still think the opposite in your head, but I don’t think you can [deny] hint. Yes I want Pawn Love Updates, how did you know? “

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One time, when I woke up with my primary Pawn hovering above me in bed, his cheeks flushed as he talked about the “quiet moments” he enjoyed sharing with me, I wondered the same thing. It’s a little weird, though, since my Pawn is modeled after my cat, and I certainly don’t want to date or sleep with my cat, no matter how hard he saves my ass from a Dragon Griffon attack. We are just partners in destroying monsters. That’s all. After all, I’m just a riser, not a bachelor.

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