How to Defeat Rufus Sinlow

This has got to be one of the most annoying fight sequences ever Final Fantasy VII RebornPresident Rufus Silla appears to compete with Claude one on one match In the golden saucer of Chapter Final Fantasy VII Remake, Rufus is a fast and deadly opponent. However, he is very easy to defeat if you use the right technique.

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Rufus’ fight will force you to dodge attacks more than in other fights rebirthyou need to find the key breakthrough.

Three-Step Solution to Fighting Rufus

When fighting Rufus, you’ll need to practice some restraint and patience, seizing clear windows of opportunity. His attacks deal horrific damage, he’s fast, and he can counterattack and stun you with ease. Here are three pieces of advice to keep in mind when fighting Rufus Silla.

I’m telling you, you have to dodge bullets

Be prepared to circle around and dodge Rufus’ various attacks. In fact, I recommend taking the time to get used to reliably dodging his attacks before you start attacking. Fighting Rufus is almost like multitasking, with you relying on almost autopilot dodge to find opportunities to attack him.

Once you get used to dodging his attacks, it’s time to start increasing your ATB gauge by taking advantage of Cloud’s ranged attacks.

Fill your ATB with Cloud’s ranged attacks

Cloud’s ranged attacks are pretty good, and while each attack isn’t necessarily very powerful, it does have a lot of uses. After hitting the square immediately after hitting the circle, Cloud will release a beam from his sword that will fly towards the target (make sure you lock onto the opponent with R3). If you maintain a square formation, he will fly towards the opponent. This last bit may get you into trouble with Rufus, as he will most likely counterattack.

Sure, you can press Circle first and then a few squares to continue attacking Rufus, but Cloud’s Blade Beam won’t do a ton of damage. Instead, they’re more useful for increasing Cloud’s ATB, which you should be ready to use once Rufus starts reloading. Rufus will also become immune to this attack after a while, so you’ll want to attack enough to fill up your ATB and then let Rufus do his own attacks, after which he may need to reload.

Rufus’ reload animation makes him very vulnerable

Rufus counters hard, but if you wait until he reloads to attack him, you can easily pressure him. His reload animation (accompanied by the word “reload” above his head) is your window of opportunity. Not only do you need to constantly dodge his attacks, but you also need to stay within range and be ready to strike. Using the ATB abilities Brave and Focused Thrust will also push him further into stagger; it’s a good idea to set up and remember shortcuts to these attacks – especially Focused Thrust, which will make Cloud rush towards him.

GIF: Square Enix/Claire Jackson/Kotaku

Plus, if you wait to see him actually perform the reload move, you’ll often be too late by the time Cloud completes his attack and finds himself just punished by Rufus’ counterattack. Keep in mind that he always reloads after performing certain gun-based attacks. If you manage to dodge it, we’ve found the moment after Rufus deploys hands on hips to be a particularly good opportunity to get in close and score some hits.

Some other considerations

you able Poison Rufus with a creature. It doesn’t do huge damage, but it slowly drains his health.Also, casting is valuable Haste and/or protection spells such as Barrier/Protection In yourself.Note that Rufus has no basic weaknesses, so feel free to use Cloud’s Material slot for Material This will enhance his overall combat performance healing spells like regeneration.

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Note that during the cutscene that takes place between the Elena/Rudd fight and the Rufus fight, you can access the main menu by staying square.If you just want to restart the fight with Rufus, select “Retry from this battle” after pausing the game and choosing to try again.

A dog-like creature with red eyes opened its mouth, revealing sharp fangs.

screenshot: Square Enix/Claire Jackson/Kotaku

What to do about Dark Star?

Rufus has a very annoying hound companion. Once you knock Rufus down to about half his health, he will join the fight. You will notice that there is a connection between the two, and breaking that connection can cause stress for the retriever.

Concentrate on destroying the Dark Star as quickly as possible. Wailing at him will increase your ATB. I recommend you avoid using Triple Strike, as this may cause Cloud to attack Rufus, risking the President’s counterattack, which will cost you health and time.

The Colosseum battle in Chapter 12 was certainly a sensory overload with the loud music and constant chatter of the announcer. In some ways, that makes it harder to oust the former president’s son. But avoiding his attacks and striking at the right moment will get you out of this fight and toward the final moments of this epic RPG.

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