Discovery returns for final season

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image: Paramount

It depends on how long you’ve been gone Discoverreally, but I’m sure there are people interested in “The Final Season” Star Trek Showcase who might not have been on the radar from the early days or want to be involved in the final leg.So if that’s you…Okay, let’s watch the rest of the show first. It has its moments.

But if you insist: Discover Not before the originaltrek Indicating that it has been started for a long time.At the end of season two, the cast and Discover itself thrown distant, distant future To end the cycle of potential galaxy-ending threats, this means they can never return to the original timeline of the 23rd century.Since then they have been at the furthest Star Trek The show continues into and beyond the distant future glimpsed in enterpriseChrono-Cold War Storyline: The 32nd Century.

To be clear, things are not 100% great The state of the Milky Way at this moment.forward Discover When it emerged, countless member worlds of the Federation and Starfleet were torn apart by a catastrophic event known as the Burn, a simultaneous explosion of dilithium across known space that resulted in warp travel – and thus interstellar society existence, as it has been for over a thousand years – extremely difficult.

Discover helped solve the problem, slowly but surely allowing Starfleet to be rebuilt, but not before it faced problems other The catastrophic threat, known as a Dark Matter Anomaly (DMA), is a not-so-random “random” gravitational event that keeps popping up and destroying the world in a storm of debris and chaos. It turns out that the DMA is actually the product of an extragalactic race known as the Ten-C, and once again, Discover Helped solve problems after successful first contact with beings. Here’s hoping the existential catastrophes of Season 5 calm down!

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