As internet usage grows, Californians worry about cybersecurity

The outbreak has made internet access increasingly important in daily life—85% of Californians used the internet at home in 2021, a record high. Given the wide range of Internet activity, online privacy and security are key issues. What can the latest data from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s 2021 Internet Usage Survey tell us about Californians’ internet use and safety concerns?

The Internet has become an important channel for various daily activities. Californians are the most likely to use the Internet to connect with others. However, more than half (56%) access health records or insurance information online, and nearly half use online government services. Notably, about a quarter of Californians search or apply for jobs online, 27% take online courses or job training, and 31% work remotely.

Figure - Californians use the Internet for a wide range of activities

High-income households (those making more than $100,000 per year) are more likely than low-income households to use the Internet in all of these areas. Usage gaps are particularly stark when it comes to accessing government services, financial services and health records, with nearly 60% of high-income households accessing government services online compared to 33% of low-income households. Blacks, Latinos, and households where the head of household does not have a bachelor’s degree are also less likely to access government services online. These disparities are often attributed to gaps in digital access and literacy.

Although Internet use is widespread, privacy and security concerns prevent many people from participating in economic and civic activities online. Californians tend to be most worried about identity theft (54%), but many worry about credit card or bank fraud (42%), data tracking by online services (27%) and loss of control over personal data (24%).

Figure - Most Californians view identity theft as a top security concern

These concerns are well-founded. About one in five Californians has been affected by a cybersecurity breach, identity theft or similar crime. Households among higher-income households (25%) and black and white households (25% and 24%, respectively) are particularly likely to be affected by a privacy or security breach.

Now that so many Californians are using the Internet to stay connected, access essential services, and seek employment, policymakers need to develop a better, more nuanced understanding of these challenges and develop policy solutions that strengthen Internet security and privacy protections while Promote equitable access and usage.

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