Capcom will hire your Dragon’s Dogma 2 pawn if no one else does

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn holding up his glowing right hand with a gold medal hanging around his neck, two other characters flanking them

image: Capcom/Natalia Klenova/Kotaku (Shutterstock)

Many times, when you are taking a break Dragon’s Dogma 2, your main Pawn will take jobs from other online players. In Capcom’s latest high-fantasy role-playing game, these loyal non-player characters tend to return gifts, such as the currency Rift Crystals (which you can use to hire other players’ primary Pawns) or consumables for replenishing health and stamina. . However, not every player who hires a Pawn to do a job is a real person, and Capcom’s feature appears to be designed to ensure that each servant earns a participation trophy.

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Reddit user MrFoxer discussed their findings on the game’s official subreddit on April 2. Post, MrFoxer talks about Capcom sometimes creating a “fake player” to rent out your main Pawn so that you can still get Rift Crystals without your main Pawn being hired by any real players. You can tell when your main Pawn has been recruited by a fake player from Capcom by looking at the transcript. If the player’s name is grayed out when your primary Pawn returns in the morning, you’ll know that player isn’t real. Actually, it’s kind of sad, but everyone deserves their flowers – even the non-hireable Pawns.

As MrFoxer explains, these fake players that Capcom created from scratch can do everything real players can do Dragon’s Dogma 2. This includes rating your Pawns, giving them gifts in return for you, and helping them complete assigned tasks. If you don’t know what to look for, it can be nearly impossible to tell real players from fake ones when your Pawn returns from the rift (the game’s phrasing for entering and leaving online lobbies).

Capcom’s Official FAQ exist Dragon’s Dogma 2 Confirming MrFoxer’s findings. The company explains that the appearance of these fake players often depends on whether your primary Pawn’s online access settings are set to “No one.”If this is the case, and your Pawn returns from beyond the rift with goodies in hand, it’s been recruited by one of Capcom’s impostors Dragon’s Dogma 2 player. If you see a name replaced by a gray or dotted line, the player may be a fake player.

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So if you can’t figure out who hired your Pawn, don’t worry. Real gamer or not, Capcom will employ you as a loyal servant, and that’s fine.

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